Administrative Law: Hornbook 3rd edition (9780314279415) - Skip to main content
Administrative Law: Hornbook

Administrative Law: Hornbook - 3rd edition

Administrative Law: Hornbook - 3rd edition

ISBN13: 9780314279415
ISBN10: 0314279415
Administrative Law: Hornbook by Alfred Jr. Aman - ISBN 9780314279415
Cover type: Hardback
Edition: 3RD 14
Copyright: 2014
Publisher: West Publishing Co. (Law Books)
International: No
Administrative Law: Hornbook by Alfred Jr. Aman - ISBN 9780314279415
ISBN13: 9780314279415
ISBN10: 0314279415
Cover type: Hardback
Edition: 3RD 14
You Save $40.50 (25%)
Format: Vitalsource
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This treatise sets forth a comprehensive analysis of administrative law in the United States. Administrative law continues to evolve in interesting ways in all of its various dimensions. The authors address the new developments in the law of standing, congressional attempts to make agencies more accountable, and the continuing evolution of Chevron deference, among other issues. The fundamental purposes of this book are to assess and explain fundamental doctrines of administrative law, placing some of the most important aspects of those doctrines in a historical context, and setting forth the current state of the law. The book is intended to serve practitioners, scholars and students of administrative law.

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