Adventures in Criminal Justice Research : Data Analysis Using SPSS 15.0 and 16.0 for Windows - With CD 4th edition (9781412963527) - Skip to main content
Adventures in Criminal Justice Research : Data Analysis Using SPSS 15.0 and 16.0 for Windows - With CD

Adventures in Criminal Justice Research : Data Analysis Using SPSS 15.0 and 16.0 for Windows - With CD - 4th edition

Adventures in Criminal Justice Research : Data Analysis Using SPSS 15.0 and 16.0 for Windows - With CD - 4th edition

ISBN13: 9781412963527
ISBN10: 1412963524
Adventures in Criminal Justice Research : Data Analysis Using SPSS 15.0 and 16.0 for Windows  - With CD by Dowdall, Logio, Babbie and Halley - ISBN 9781412963527
Edition: 4TH 08
Copyright: 2008
Publisher: Sage Publications, Inc.
International: No
Adventures in Criminal Justice Research : Data Analysis Using SPSS 15.0 and 16.0 for Windows  - With CD by Dowdall, Logio, Babbie and Halley - ISBN 9781412963527
ISBN13: 9781412963527
ISBN10: 1412963524
Edition: 4TH 08
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The only book of its kind, this text guides students through the process of conducting criminological data analysis. Used primarily in lab settings, the Fourth Edition of Adventures in Criminal Justice Research, derived from the popular Adventures in Social Research (Babbie et al, Pine Forge Press/SAGE), systematically takes students through a series of investigative adventures. Using the latest version of SPSS and providing recent data sets, this straightforward text gives students important tools for conducting and analyzing their own surveys. More than 150 screenshots in the text offer clear visual step-by-step instructions to solidify student understanding.

Other Editions of Adventures in Criminal Justice Research : Data Analysis Using SPSS 15.0 and 16.0 for Windows - With CD

Adventures in Criminal Justice Research : Data Analysis for Windows Using SPSS Versions 11.0, 11.5, or Higher / With CD by George W. Dowdall, Kim Logio, Earl Babbie and Fred Halley - ISBN 9780761988083