American Idea: The Best of the Atlantic Monthly: 150 Years of Writers and Thinkers Who Shaped Our History 07 edition (9780385521086) - Skip to main content
American Idea: The Best of the Atlantic Monthly: 150 Years of Writers and Thinkers Who Shaped Our History

American Idea: The Best of the Atlantic Monthly: 150 Years of Writers and Thinkers Who Shaped Our History - 07 edition

American Idea: The Best of the Atlantic Monthly: 150 Years of Writers and Thinkers Who Shaped Our History - 07 edition

ISBN13: 9780385521086
ISBN10: 0385521081
American Idea: The Best of the Atlantic Monthly: 150 Years of Writers and Thinkers Who Shaped Our History by Robert Vare - ISBN 9780385521086
Edition: 07
Copyright: 2007
Publisher: Random House, Inc.
International: No
American Idea: The Best of the Atlantic Monthly: 150 Years of Writers and Thinkers Who Shaped Our History by Robert Vare - ISBN 9780385521086
ISBN13: 9780385521086
ISBN10: 0385521081
Edition: 07
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Published in celebration of the 150th birthday of ''The Atlantic Monthly,'' this extraordinary anthology brings together 100 of the magazines most acclaimed and influential articles, essays, stories, and poems by the writers and thinkers who have shaped our history.