Babbitt / With New Introduction 98 edition (9780451527080) - Skip to main content
Babbitt / With New Introduction

Babbitt / With New Introduction - 98 edition

Babbitt / With New Introduction - 98 edition

ISBN13: 9780451527080
ISBN10: 0451527089
Babbitt / With New Introduction by Sinclair Lewis - ISBN 9780451527080
Edition: 98
Copyright: 1998
Publisher: Signet Classics
International: No
Babbitt / With New Introduction by Sinclair Lewis - ISBN 9780451527080
ISBN13: 9780451527080
ISBN10: 0451527089
Edition: 98
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Sinclair Lewis created one of the most compelling and disturbing characters of American fiction in this portrait of a hardened, conniving, social-climbing real-estate man in his classic work Babbitt. Through detailed depictions of the protagonist's home, work, and social life, a meticulous landscape is created, representing the beliefs, aspirations, and failures of the American middle class.