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Essential Cell Biology

Ahh, the basic unit of life. Your muscles, your bones, your organs, your brain – it all comes down to cells. Prepare to dig deep on these little guys with Essential Cell Biology. A comprehensive look at cell and molecular biology, this go-to textbook covers cell function, structure, processes, and life cycle, along with cell communication, genetics, and diseases. With a thorough outline, clear writing, and colorful illustrations, Essential Cell Biology by Alberts provides a complete look at the cell for life sciences, cancer research, or med students and a framework to apply the important concepts of biology in meaningful ways.

Latest edition of Essential Cell Biology

Essential Cell Biology (ISBN10: 0815344546; ISBN13: 9780815344544)
ISBN13: 978-0815344544
ISBN10: 0815344546
List Price: $186.75
Used: $36.68
New: $118.91

Summary: Essential Cell Biology provides a readily accessible introduction to the central concepts of cell biology, and its lively, clear writing and exceptional illustrations make it the ideal textbook for a first course in both cell and molecular biology. The text and figures are easy-to-follow, accurate, clear, and engaging for the introductory student. Molecular detail has been kept to a minimum in order to provide the reader with a cohesive conceptual framework for the basic science that underlies our current understanding of all of biology, including the biomedical sciences.

Often purchased with Essential Cell Biology 4th edition

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