Julius Caesar rev edition (9780140714227) - Textbooks.com Skip to main content
Julius Caesar

Julius Caesar - rev edition

Julius Caesar - rev edition

ISBN13: 9780140714227
ISBN10: 0140714227
Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare - ISBN 9780140714227
Edition: REV 71
Copyright: 1971
Publisher: Pelican Books
International: No
Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare - ISBN 9780140714227
ISBN13: 9780140714227
ISBN10: 0140714227
Edition: REV 71
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''Et tu Brute?'' One of Shakespeare's best works, revised and repackaged, featuring a new Overview by Sylvan Barnet, former Chairman of the English Department at Tufts University. Includes an updated bibliography, suggested references, stage and film history, and an overview of Shakespeare's life.