Business Law and Legal Environment: Standard Edition 9th edition (9780357633366) - Skip to main content
Business Law and Legal Environment: Standard Edition

Business Law and Legal Environment: Standard Edition - 9th edition

Business Law and Legal Environment: Standard Edition - 9th edition

ISBN13: 9780357633366
ISBN10: 0357633369
Business Law and Legal Environment: Standard Edition by Jeffrey Beatty - ISBN 9780357633366
Cover type: Hardback
Edition: 9TH 22
Copyright: 2022
Publisher: Cengage Learning
International: No
Business Law and Legal Environment: Standard Edition by Jeffrey Beatty - ISBN 9780357633366
ISBN13: 9780357633366
ISBN10: 0357633369
Cover type: Hardback
Edition: 9TH 22
You Save $395.86 (79%)
Condition: Very Good
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Discover the business law and legal environment text that you'll actually enjoy reading. Time after time, students like you have commented that this is the best text they have ever read and they had no idea law could be so interesting. Beatty/Samuelson/Abril's BUSINESS LAW AND THE LEGAL ENVIRONMENT, STANDARD EDITION, 9E is packed with current examples and real, relevant scenarios - from marijuana contracts to the impact of Covid-19 at work. This book's conversational writing presents even complex legal topics in easy-to-understand language. Because the authors practiced law before teaching, they are able to explain how law really works in everyday business practice. Carefully selected topics are sure to pique your interest as this edition emphasizes today's digital landscape with new information on privacy and intellectual property. An updated ethics chapter offers a practical approach, using the latest research to explain why people make unethical decisions. MindTap digital resources further reinforce learning.

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Other Editions of Business Law and Legal Environment: Standard Edition

Business Law and Legal Environment: Standard Edition by Jeffrey F. Beatty - ISBN 9781337404532