Constitutional Law: Concise Edition - Text Only 16th edition (9781647083625) - Skip to main content
Constitutional Law: Concise Edition - Text Only

Constitutional Law: Concise Edition - Text Only - 16th edition

Constitutional Law: Concise Edition - Text Only - 16th edition

ISBN13: 9781647083625
ISBN10: 1647083621
Constitutional Law: Concise Edition - Text Only by Jonathan Varat - ISBN 9781647083625
Edition: 16TH 21
Copyright: 2021
Publisher: Foundation Press
International: No
Constitutional Law: Concise Edition - Text Only by Jonathan Varat - ISBN 9781647083625
ISBN13: 9781647083625
ISBN10: 1647083621
Edition: 16TH 21
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This Concise Edition of the casebook is a compact, easy-to-wield book that focuses on the text of Supreme Court opinions and other primary documents. It is considerably shorter than previous Concise Editions because the authors have omitted First Amendment topics on the grounds that teachers and students of those ever-expanding materials (most often taught in separate courses) would be better served by the more comprehensive coverage in the unabridged edition. Like the unabridged edition, however, it continues to provide as much of the raw decisional, statutory and historical note material as is practical to allow teachers the latitude to structure courses in their own ways and to encourage students to formulate their own generalizations directly from the materials. It concentrates on the role of the federal judiciary, separation of powers, federalism, and the Reconstruction Amendments, including all aspects of due process, equal protection, and congressional powers to enforce them.

Other Editions of Constitutional Law: Concise Edition - Text Only

Constitutional Law: Concise Edition by Jonathan Varat and Vikram Amar - ISBN 9781634603263