Criminal Justice : Introduction 3rd edition (9780072485936) - Skip to main content
Criminal Justice : Introduction

Criminal Justice : Introduction - 3rd edition

Criminal Justice : Introduction - 3rd edition

ISBN13: 9780072485936
ISBN10: 0072485930
Criminal Justice : Introduction by Freda Adler, Gerhard O. W. Mueller and William S. Laufer - ISBN 9780072485936
Edition: 3RD 03
Copyright: 2003
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Publishing Company
International: No
Criminal Justice : Introduction by Freda Adler, Gerhard O. W. Mueller and William S. Laufer - ISBN 9780072485936
ISBN13: 9780072485936
ISBN10: 0072485930
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This full color, paperback text offers a current, lively and thorough introduction to criminal justice covering past developments, contemporary issues, and tomorrow's challenges, and drawing students into the intriguing world of criminal justice. Manageable in terms of size and price, Criminal Justice: An Introduction holds a unique place in the market, offering a portable and affordable alternative to encyclopedic texts, and more complete coverage than brief core texts.

New to This Edition

  • New chapter-opening tables identify court cases relevant to the chapter's coverage with a brief summary of the case and chapter page reference.
  • Chapter 1 offers a more thorough introduction to the CJ system and its components as a basic blueprint for the rest of the text and includes material previously covered only in chapter 3.
  • Chapter 2, Crime and Criminals, has been revised and tightened to include how we define crime, types of crime, how we measure crime, how we explain crime, a brief textual discussion of each theory, and a helpful table distinguishing the key theories of crime.
  • Expanded coverage of the police code of ethics, standards, sub-culture, and the role of education in policing (chapter 6).
  • Chapters 7 and 8 discuss more cases, especially Supreme Court cases.
  • Chapter 10, Criminal Prosecution and Adjudication, includes expanded coverage of plea bargaining, jury selection, and the power structure of courtroom workgroups.
  • Addition new material includes: expanded coverage of comparative prison systems (Ch. 12); inmate subculture, lifestyle, relationships with guards, (Ch. 13); and child molestation, computer dating crimes, and terrorism (Ch. 15).


  • "In Their Own Words" boxes provide compelling first person accounts by practitioners in the field, providing students the opportunity to experience a typical day in their profession.
  • "21st Century Challenges" boxes alert students to changes in the criminal justice system and responses to them.
  • A Career Guide at the end of the text provides job descriptions, employment requirements, salaries, etc. Career icons are placed in the margins, throughout the book, next to the first substantive mention of each career featured in the career guide.
  • The popular "Crime Scene" boxes explore the most current topics.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Part I: The Universe of Crime and Justice

Chapter 1. Criminal Justice: Introduction and Overview
Chapter 2. Crime and Criminals
Chapter 3. Criminal Law

Part II: The Police

Chapter 4. History and Organization of the Police
Chapter 5. Police Functions
Chapter 6. The Police Culture
Chapter 7. The Rule of Law in Law Enforcement

Part III: The Courts

Chapter 8. The Origin and Role of the Courts
Chapter 9. Lawyers and Judges
Chapter 10. Criminal Prosecution and Adjudication
Chapter 11. Sentencing

Part IV: Corrections

Chapter 12. Corrections: Yesterday and Today
Chapter 13. Institutional Corrections
Chapter 14. Alternatives: Community Corrections

Part V: Critical Isues: Children, Victims, and Global Crime

Chapter 15. Challenges for the Twenty-first Century

Appendix 1: The Constitution of the United States of America
Appendix 2: Career Guide
