Law for Recreation and Sport Managers - With Access 8th edition (9781792444296) - Skip to main content
Law for Recreation and Sport Managers - With Access

Law for Recreation and Sport Managers - With Access - 8th edition

Law for Recreation and Sport Managers - With Access - 8th edition

ISBN13: 9781792444296
ISBN10: 179244429X
Law for Recreation and Sport Managers - With Access by Doyice J Cotten - ISBN 9781792444296
Edition: 8TH 21
Copyright: 2021
Publisher: Kendall/Hunt Pub. Co.
International: No
Law for Recreation and Sport Managers - With Access by Doyice J Cotten - ISBN 9781792444296
ISBN13: 9781792444296
ISBN10: 179244429X
Edition: 8TH 21
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Since 1997, Law for Recreation and Sport Managers has been the leading recreation and sports law book for undergraduate and graduate sport management and recreation programs. Key Features: Up-to-date on current court cases Each chapter is written by leading recreation and sport law professors and experts in the field. Each chapter follows an easy-to-read format. Each chapter examines a significant case and reviews how the courts apply the fundamental legal concepts. Designed for both undergraduate and graduate students, the book is divided into seven approachable sections plus additional materials that educates readers on the complex issues of recreation and sport law. Also included: Supplemental cases online - In addition to the significant cases in each chapter, students can now access additional select cases online to further illustrate important concepts. Chapter sidebars - Each chapter now includes a sidebar, an interesting point of law or a new ruling that presents a new idea. End of chapter reviews - Students are encouraged to engage with the material by answering the end of chapter question prompts.