Problems and Materials on Secured Transactions 5th edition (9781684679362) - Skip to main content
Problems and Materials on Secured Transactions

Problems and Materials on Secured Transactions - 5th edition

Problems and Materials on Secured Transactions - 5th edition

ISBN13: 9781684679362
ISBN10: 1684679362
Problems and Materials on Secured Transactions by Stephen Sepinuck - ISBN 9781684679362
Cover type: Hardback
Edition: 5TH 21
Copyright: 2021
Publisher: West Publishing Co. (Law Books)
International: No
Problems and Materials on Secured Transactions by Stephen Sepinuck - ISBN 9781684679362
ISBN13: 9781684679362
ISBN10: 1684679362
Cover type: Hardback
Edition: 5TH 21
You Save $204.54 (74%)
Condition: Very Good
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