War and Liberty: An American Dilemma: 1790 to the Present (Paperback) 07 edition (9780393330045) - Textbooks.com Skip to main content
War and Liberty: An American Dilemma: 1790 to the Present (Paperback)

War and Liberty: An American Dilemma: 1790 to the Present (Paperback) - 07 edition

War and Liberty: An American Dilemma: 1790 to the Present (Paperback) - 07 edition

ISBN13: 9780393330045
ISBN10: 0393330044
War and Liberty: An American Dilemma: 1790 to the Present (Paperback) by Geoffrey Stone - ISBN 9780393330045
Cover type: Print On Demand
Edition: 07
Copyright: 2007
Publisher: W.W. Norton & Co.
International: No
War and Liberty: An American Dilemma: 1790 to the Present (Paperback) by Geoffrey Stone - ISBN 9780393330045
ISBN13: 9780393330045
ISBN10: 0393330044
Cover type: Print On Demand
Edition: 07
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An essential work on the challenges of preserving civil liberties in wartime by a preeminent scholar of constitutional law.
Winner of eight national awards for his magisterial work Perilous Times, Geoffrey R. Stone has now created a condensed, updated, and more accessible history of civil liberties in wartime. With an in-depth examination of how our constitutional rights have fared during the presidency of George W. Bush, Stone reveals how the federal government has suppressed civil liberties in times of war throughout American history. A sparkling historical narrative, War and Liberty is the perfect book for any reader who wants to understand the current national debate and assess the state of our freedoms.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Preface: War Fever
The Half War with France: "The Reign of Witches"
The Civil War: "The Man Who Holds the Power"
World War I: "Disloyalty Must Be Crushed Out of Existence"
World War II: "A Jap's a Jap"
The Cold War: "The Scaremongers"
The Vietnam War: "To Expose, Disrupt, and Otherwise Neutralize"
The War on Terrorism: "Not a Blank Check"
Conclusion: A Culture of Civil Liberties
About the Author