iClicker2 Student Remote Rev. 17 edition (9781498603041) - Textbooks.com Skip to main content
iClicker2 Student Remote Rev.

iClicker2 Student Remote Rev. - 17 edition

iClicker2 Student Remote Rev. - 17 edition

ISBN13: 9781498603041
ISBN10: 1498603041
iClicker2 Student Remote Rev. by iClicker - ISBN 9781498603041
Edition: 17
Copyright: 2017
Publisher: W.H. Freeman
International: No
iClicker2 Student Remote Rev. by iClicker - ISBN 9781498603041
ISBN13: 9781498603041
ISBN10: 1498603041
Edition: 17
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As the most adaptable classroom response system, iClicker activities are designed to test students' reading comprehension and stimulate class discussion.